
QUOTE Stay strong, stay true, keep heart, it all come's down to you.

- Ozzy Osbourne

Artwork and Logos

Formerly, SpinelliCreations artwork and logos were available for free use. While that policy has not changed, the entity is retired; and so use of artwork / logos / branding for a retired entity is understandably discouraged.

The very-high resolution Gen-2 Retro Logo shall remain in posterity, as it will carry on as a secondary logo for spinelli.co

Current Gen-3 swordfish is only available at lower resolutions.

Examples of acceptable use are: printing signs to hang up in your home or office, printing bumper stickers for your own personal vehicle, including in literature / web-pages / or articles which make reference to spinelli.co (to provide the reader with a visual que), or when simply linking to spinelli.co from your own website.


Examples of unacceptable (prohibited) use are: printing bumper stickers that you will sell, use on any media (clothing, books, digital) that you intend to market and / or sell, use of altered images (other than scaling) in literature / web-pages / or articles which make reference to spinelli.co

Failure to abide by the above usage-criterion constitues a breach of the Terms of Use and Copyright Policy.


Low resolution preview images are shown below; simply click on any image to view the actual full size / resolution image. You may then 'opposite click' on the full size image and select 'save image' from your browser.

Gen. 3 - 2021 through present:

... the current swordfish logo.

Gen. 2 - 2010 through 2021:

... very high resolution Generation 2 'retro' logo.

Built: Oct. 23, 2010
... Mar. 07, 2021 - rebranding and removal of retired artwork